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Text File  |  1993-01-30  |  31KB  |  451 lines

  4. 256DRAW.LZH   180224  02-15-93  256 DRAW
  5.                                 Designed to draw or edit images in 256 color
  6.                                 VGA mode. The images created are simple bitmap
  7.                                 images. This product encompasses many diverse
  8.                                 drawing and graphics related routines.
  9.                                 (Requires 256k, VGA, mouse).
  10. ACTION.LZH    262144  02-15-93  ACTION GRAPHICS 1.5
  11.                                 An amusement program based on the old "Erector
  12.                                 Set" concept of building things (on your
  13.                                 screen) and making them move. The mouse is
  14.                                 used to select from several graphic objects
  15.                                 (cicle, line, gear, etc.) and actions. Rqs, 10
  16.                                 Mhz, mouse, VGA, HD.
  17. ANOTHER1.LZH  278528  02-15-93  MULTIMEDIA WORKSHOP 4.21   1 of 2 Disks
  18.                                 Easy-to-use drawing, text, sound, animation &
  19.                                 presentation program to bring your ideas to
  20.                                 life. Put lessons on disk for students, create
  21.                                 colorful catalogs, send fancy disk-based
  22.                                 messages to your friends. Rqs, 512k, HD.
  23. ANOTHER2.LZH  278528  02-15-93  MULTIMEDIA WORKSHOP 4.21   2 of 2 Disks
  24. ANSIPAIN.LZH  81920   02-15-93  ANSI PAINT
  25.                                 Create and edit title screens files of many
  26.                                 types. These can be saved as standard text
  27.                                 files, binary dumps or BSAVE files which can
  28.                                 be loaded from BASIC. Demo and samples on disk
  29.                                 also online help.
  30. ART.LZH       147456  02-15-93  ART STUDIO
  31.                                 Full featured, easy to use, Print Shop like
  32.                                 graphics program! Make signs, banners, cards &
  33.                                 more! Various borders/fonts, Dozen's of
  34.                                 graphics or draw with included editor. Printer
  35.                                 support for 10 popular printers, online help &
  36.                                 more! Good program! Reqs. CGA
  37. ARTCON.LZH    65536   02-15-93  ART CONVERTER V1.0
  38.                                 Clip-art converter for Print Shop,
  39.                                 PrintMaster, NewsMaster, PFS: First Publisher.
  40.                                 Fast easy conversions. (Requires DOS 3.0 or
  41.                                 later)
  42. CGHGIF.LZH    16384   02-15-93  CGA/HERC GIF VIEWER
  43.                                 GIF decoder program for systems using the CGA
  44.                                 or HERC graphics card. Scales and dithers GIF
  45.                                 images to black & white pictures.
  46.                                 Automatically detects video card. Looks good!
  47. CRISTLE.LZH   49152   02-15-93  CRYSTAL
  48.                                 Project 3-D wire-frame images to the PC's
  49.                                 graphics screen using rotation and projection
  50.                                 in two dimensions. Rotate objects in any
  51.                                 direction. Display movie of up to 500 3-D
  52.                                 objects with rotation.
  53. CSHOW.LZH     196608  02-15-93  CSHOW V8.50A
  54.                                 Full featured, multi-format graphic viewing
  55.                                 program. Supports CGA, EGA, VGA & HERC.
  56.                                 Displays PCX, GIF, PIC, RIX in many
  57.                                 resolutions. Has color & monochrome printer
  58.                                 support for popular printers, path support,
  59.                                 slide show, directory sort & much more!
  60. EZCASE16.LZH  294912  02-15-93  EASY CASE VER 1.6
  61.                                 Draw Data Flow Diagrams, Transformation
  62.                                 Schema, State Transition Diagrams, Structure
  63.                                 Charts, Data Structure Diagrams & Entity-
  64.                                 Relationship Diagrams using Yourdon-DeMarco,
  65.                                 Gane-Sarson, Ward-Mellor + more methods for
  66.                                 Analysis & Design. (512K,EGA,mouse) ASP
  67. FINGER_P.LZH  114688  02-15-93  FINGER PAINT V2.00
  68.                                 Supports EGA/CGA & HERC, mouse & keyboard. Has
  69.                                 6 fonts,movie mode,view entire page, store 2
  70.                                 interchangeable pages in memory,icons/pull-
  71.                                 down menus,all you'd expect, + much more! Easy
  72.                                 to use! (Prints only on HP Laserjet, Epson
  73.                                 support available.)
  74. FINGRMAP.LZH  180224  02-15-93  FINGER MAPS 1.01
  75.                                 An object-oriented drawing package
  76.                                 supplemented with a comprehensive database of
  77.                                 world geographical coordinates. This shareware
  78.                                 version is limited to printing out on a HP
  79.                                 compatible laserjet printer. (Requires 384k).
  80. FINGRVGA.LZH  180224  02-15-93  FINGER VGA 1.10
  81.                                 A color image processing, painting and
  82.                                 animation program. Only VGA (320x200x256
  83.                                 colors) graphics mode is supported. Files are
  84.                                 loaded and saved in the .PCX format. Prints to
  85.                                 Laserjet printer. (Requires 384k, VGA, Mouse,
  86.                                 LaserJet).
  87. FLOW1.LZH     114688  02-15-93  FLOWDRAW 2.25   1 of 2 Disks
  88.                                 Program for drawing B&W diagrams like
  89.                                 flowcharts, schematics & organization charts.
  90.                                 Features a WYSIWYG interface, symbol libraries
  91.                                 for flowcharts, electrical & logic diagrams &
  92.                                 more. You can create your own symbols &
  93.                                 libraries. Menu driven, online help,
  94. FLOW2.LZH     147456  02-15-93  FLOWDRAW 2.25   2 of 2 Disks
  95.                                 20 minute interactive tutorial, auto line draw
  96.                                 between symbols, UNDO feature, multiple fonts,
  97.                                 convert files to/from PCX format, printer
  98.                                 support (Epson, IBM, Toshiba, HP) & more!
  99.                                 Requires 512k memory, CGA or better. ASP
  100. GCATWP.LZH    147456  02-15-93  GRAPHCAT 2.1
  101.                                 A shareware package of WordPerfect macros that
  102.                                 reads any disk or directory, and creates a
  103.                                 pictorial listing of all the graphics found
  104.                                 Supports WPG & PCX grpahic files. NEW version
  105.                                 adds wildcard support. Rqs, Word Perfect 5.1.
  106.                                 ASP
  107. GIF2WPG.LZH   32768   02-15-93  GIF TO WPG V3.0
  108.                                 Graphics utility will convert .GIF files into
  109.                                 a bit-mapped Word Perfect graphics files. In
  110.                                 the process GIF2WPG converts the GIF's colors
  111.                                 into shades of grey for the WPG file. Allows
  112.                                 you to use the zillions of GIF graphics in WP
  113.                                 files.
  114. GIFDESK.LZH   311296  02-15-93  GIFDESK 4.0 & GDS
  115.                                 Two programs for viewing, cataloging,
  116.                                 printing, size change, slideshow, and more
  117.                                 with GIF, PCX, etc. A couple of great ones!
  118.                                 (Requires VGA).
  119. GIFDOT13.LZH  81920   02-15-93  GIFDOT V1.3
  120.                                 Excellent program prints GIF graphics.
  121.                                 Automatically recognizes video, grey scales
  122.                                 GIF's to printer capabilities, supports Epson
  123.                                 & IBM printers, adjust brightness/contrast,
  124.                                 print landscape/portrait, print various sizes,
  125.                                 much more! Looks great!
  126. GRABBER2.LZH  16384   02-15-93  GRABBER V2.20
  127.                                 Memory resident screen capture program with a
  128.                                 difference. Captures CGA screens, text and
  129.                                 graphics, and writes it to disk as an
  130.                                 executable COM file. You can then display the
  131.                                 pictures by running them.
  132. GRAFCAT.LZH   147456  02-15-93  GRAFCAT 3.0A
  133.                                 Grafcat will print your collection of clipart
  134.                                 at sixteen per page along with thier file name
  135.                                 with any LaserJet compatible or PastScript
  136.                                 printer. Supports: PCX, GIF, WPG, TIFF,
  137.                                 GEM/IMG, MAC, EPS, MSP and IFF/LBM. Rqs, Laser
  138.                                 Printer.  ASP
  139. GREYSCLE.LZH  32768   02-15-93  GREY SCALER V1.5
  140.                                 64 scales of grey for GIF format digitized
  141.                                 pictures. Will dramatically improve the
  142.                                 resolution of 16 color and B/W pictures.
  143. GWSHOP.LZH    327680  02-15-93  GRAPHIC WORKSHOP 6.1L
  144.                                 For working with computer graphic files. It
  145.                                 will handle most of the popular formats: Mac,
  146.                                 PCX, GEM/IMG,GIF, TIFF, EPS, WPG, MSP,
  147.                                 IFF/LBM/CE. You can: View, Convert, Print,
  148.                                 Dither, Reverse, Rotate and Flip. Nice!
  149. ICON110d.LZH  163840  02-15-93  I CONVERT V1.5
  150.                                 Commercial demo program complete but limited
  151.                                 to one conversion at a time. Converts to/from
  152.                                 Printmaster, Printshop, Newsmaster, Newsroom,
  153.                                 Fontasy, Doodle, Macpaint, Rle, BASICA BLOAD,
  154.                                 Windows paint, and PC Paintbrush. Features
  155.                                 mirror, flip, view, clip,etc.
  156. ICONMKR.LZH   32768   02-15-93  ICON-MAKER
  157.                                 Dot graphics program for making ICONS.
  158.                                 Supports 640X200, 320X200 and 160X100 graphics
  159.                                 modes. Data can be put directly into the
  160.                                 program data area.
  161. ICONUTIL.LZH  114688  02-15-93  ICON UTILITIES 3.01
  162.                                 Uses PrintMaster, PrintShop or the New
  163.                                 PrintShop graphics to print labels with
  164.                                 graphics on them, converts between the 3
  165.                                 different formats. Prints graphic reference
  166.                                 sheets. Maillist program built into it also.
  167.                                 Nice!
  168. ILSTREAD.LZH  245760  02-15-93  THE ILLUSTRATED READER 1.0
  169.                                 A great text file reader that supports full-
  170.                                 color illustrations (PCX).  Can function as a
  171.                                 regular text file reader, but is specially
  172.                                 designed to display illustrated text files.
  173.                                 Users can easily create illustrated electronic
  174.                                 documents. Rqs, EGA/VGA.  ASP
  175. IMAGEPRO.LZH  360448  02-15-93  IMAGE PRO 1.1
  176.                                 A fast Image Processor that allows you to
  177.                                 view, scale, convert, clip, change brightness
  178.                                 and contrast, dither, and print images to a
  179.                                 dot matrix or laser printer. Includes Talking
  180.                                 Slide Show to create presentations. Rqs, 512k,
  181.                                 HD, EGA/VGA.  ASP
  182. IMGACCES.LZH  180224  02-15-93  IMAGE ACCESS
  183.                                 A simple database program that associates a
  184.                                 graphics image file with each text record. The
  185.                                 result is a database of pictures. Create a
  186.                                 picture inventory. Great for Museums, personal
  187.                                 pictures, collectors, writers, etc. Rqs, 512k,
  188.                                 EGA/VGA.
  189. IMGCONV.LZH   49152   02-15-93  IMAGE CONVERSION
  190.                                 IMGCON is a program for converting images
  191.                                 between different image formats.  It also
  192.                                 allows you to display the images on your
  193.                                 screen. IMGCON has a windowed interface to
  194.                                 make it user friendly.
  195. IMGFUN.LZH    131072  02-15-93  IMGFUN 1.0
  196.                                 Image Enhancement and compression utility.
  197.                                 Powerful SVGA viewers for GIF, PCX, BMP and
  198.                                 JPEG file. Fast JPEG compression to reduce
  199.                                 gifs to a fraction. Instant ZOOM and scroll
  200.                                 images on the screen and more. Rqs, 512k,
  201.                                 286+, VGA or SVGA.  ASP
  202. IMPROCE1.LZH  311296  02-15-93  IMPROCESS 2.2
  203.                                 Edit and enhance GIF/PCX/TGA/PRF images.  256
  204.                                 Color Image Processor. Remappable clipboard,
  205.                                 Edit up to five images at a time. Over 40 new
  206.                                 fonts! Sharpening and other filters. Contrast
  207.                                 stretching, histogram, tons of image
  208.                                 processing stuff. Rqs, VGA & mouse.
  210.                                 Utilities, demos and tutorial for Image
  211.                                 Processor (Improces). Disk # 3607.
  212. LABMATE.LZH   114688  02-15-93  LABELMATE 1.6
  213.                                 Printer utility that uses New Print Shop, Old
  214.                                 Print Shop or Printmaster  graphics ANYWHERE
  215.                                 on the top of any label from 1" to 5" wide
  216.                                 with up to five lines of text. You can also
  217.                                 view up 14 graphics at a time on the screen.
  218.                                 Rqs, 200k, EGA/VGA.
  219. LAUGHDOG.LZH  327680  02-15-93  LAUGHING DOG SCREEN MAKER 1.1
  220.                                 The Laughing Dog Screen Maker is a
  221.                                 professional, IBM text-mode screen designer.
  222.                                 Features: User friendly menu, source code
  223.                                 generation, batch enhancing .COM files,
  224.                                 Exports to- ANSI, BSAVE, PostScript, WildCat!
  225.                                 BBS, PCBoard BBS, etc. NICE! Rqs, 512k.     ASP
  226. LEO.LZH       98304   02-15-93  LEONARDO
  227.                                 Full featured graphics editor. Creates 4 color
  228.                                 graphics/ICON screens and files. Features
  229.                                 online help, slide show, size, style, circle,
  230.                                 boxes, shadow, zoom, mottle, outline, paint,
  231.                                 reverse, x-change colors, more. Files are
  232.                                 easily added to basic programs.
  233. MAGICBRS.LZH  114688  02-15-93  MAGIC BRUSH & MAGIC SHOW 1.50
  234.                                 Magic Brush is a freehand drawing program with
  235.                                 the ability to put up to 20 screens together
  236.                                 for a slide show. Includes several libraries
  237.                                 of ready made pictures. Fun and easy to use.
  238.                                 (Requires CGA). (ASP).
  239. MB111.LZH     114688  02-15-93  MAGIC BRUSH V1.11   1 of 2 Disks
  240.                                 CGA paint program using a control key
  241.                                 interface. Many features! Has on-line help
  242.                                 screen, tutorial, snapshot program, undo,
  243.                                 alternate screen, print screen, plot
  244.                                 point/spray, line, rectangle, mark/cut/erase
  245.                                 block, circle, flip, paste, spray, much more!!
  246. MBDEMO.LZH    65536   02-15-93  MAGIC BRUSH V1.11   2 of 2 Disks
  247.                                 Animated, slide-show demo for the Magic Brush
  248.                                 paint program!
  249. MULMDLT.LZH   360448  02-15-93  MULTIMEDIA 1 LITE
  250.                                 Lite version of Multimedia 1 (disks 3631,
  251.                                 3632, 3633). Allows you to create your own
  252.                                 custom presentations, advertising, demo's,
  253.                                 tutorials, courseware authoring, reports,
  254.                                 school projects, and more. Combine speech,
  255.                                 music, and images. Rqs, 640k, HD, VGA. ASP
  256. MULTIMD1.LZH  294912  02-15-93  MULTIMEDIA 1   1 of 3 Disks
  257.                                 Allows you to create your own custom
  258.                                 presentations, advertising, demo's, tutorials,
  259.                                 courseware authoring, reports, school
  260.                                 projects, and more. With this package you can
  261.                                 combine real human speech, music and sound
  262.                                 effects with high resolution....
  263. MULTIMD2.LZH  344064  02-15-93  MULTIMEDIA 1   2 of 2 Disks
  264.                                 ...images (up to SVGA). Use this package to
  265.                                 create your own custom Audio/Visual Shows on
  266.                                 any subject. Contains over 1 Meg of speech,
  267.                                 music and sound effects. Rqs, VGA, HD.   ASP
  268. MULTIMD3.LZH  229376  02-15-93  MULTIMEDIA 1   3 of 3 Disks
  269. NCAD3D42.LZH  147456  02-15-93  NORTH CAD 3D VER 4.2
  270.                                 A graphics cursor, three dimensional wire
  271.                                 frame objects can be created, viewed & edited
  272.                                 from any viewpoint. Drawings may be moved &
  273.                                 rotated in any direction & scaled to size,
  274.                                 also scale each axis independently.
  275.                                 (CGA,EGA,VGA)
  276. NEOPANT1.LZH  327680  02-15-93  NEOPAINT 1.0   1 of 2 Disks
  277.                                 Image editing software. This program has set a
  278.                                 new level of quality. A sophisticated yet
  279.                                 simple to use as any paint program. NeoPaint
  280.                                 reads and writes PCX, TIFF, and GIF graphics
  281.                                 files as high as 1024 x 768 with 256 colors!.
  282.                                 Beautiful pull-down, ....
  283. NEOPANT2.LZH  278528  02-15-93  NEOPAINT 1.0   2 of 2 Disks
  284.                                 ....push-button menu. Feature include: full
  285.                                 line of editing tools, special effects like
  286.                                 brightness and smudge, 12 fonts for adding
  287.                                 text to pictures, output to dot matrix, Laser
  288.                                 or Postscript printers. Tons more features.
  289.                                 NICE!! Rqs, 640k, HD, Mouse.
  290. OEDWARE.LZH   262144  02-15-93  PC-KEY-DRAW UTILITIES
  291.                                 OEDLIN> screen/text editor for creating and
  292.                                 modifying line and box drawings in screen &
  293.                                 batch files. DSU> is a disk usage program.
  294.                                 G_SPEED> tests performance of computer
  295.                                 graphics. SNOW> shows fractal principles.
  296.                                 USPS> Post Office Logo Demo for PC-Key-Draw
  297. OK212.LZH     245760  02-15-93  OPTIKS V2.2
  298.                                 Optiks is a "Jack of all Trades" Graphics
  299.                                 program. Can read/write/alter more than 25
  300.                                 different formats. (.art, .bas, .bsg, .cut,
  301.                                 .iff, .gif, .img, .pic, more) Merge, print,
  302.                                 image(change size/shape), draw, dither, scan,
  303.                                 5 fonts, much more!
  304. OKFONTS.LZH   49152   02-15-93  OPTIKS FONTS
  305.                                 22 different fonts for the OPTIKS graphics
  306.                                 program (disk # 252). Italics, Gaelic, Script,
  307.                                 Countdown, Georgian, Old English, many more.
  308. OKSCR000.LZH  16384   02-15-93  OK-SCREEN
  309.                                 Screen capture utility. Captures, then writes
  310.                                 as a .PCX file. Supports modes 2,3,7/text, D &
  311.                                 E/EGA, 4,5,6/CGA, 10 & 11/VGA, 25 & 50/640x480
  312.                                 paradise & Tseng labs, 40/AT&T 640x400, and
  313.                                 43/Herc screen 0.
  314. PAINTB10.LZH  98304   02-15-93  VGA PAINTBOX VER 1.0   1 of 2 Disks
  315.                                 A graphics/drawing program that produces
  316.                                 screen images in up to 248 colors at once!
  317.                                 Fourteen brush shapes and four automatic
  318.                                 shapes are provided. Many features make this
  319.                                 fun and easy to use. (Requires 640k, Mouse,
  320.                                 VGA).
  321. PAINTB1B.LZH  180224  02-15-93  VGA PAINTBOX VER 1.0   2 of 2 Disks
  322.                                 2nd Disk of 2 Disk Set.
  323. PAINTER.LZH   98304   02-15-93  PAINTER'S APPRENTICE
  324.                                 Excellent, intuitive paint program! Pull down
  325.                                 menus, 7 fonts, in 9 to 72 pitch, cut, copy,
  326.                                 invert, 30 fill patterns, flip, rotate, page
  327.                                 preview, spray paint, ellipses, boxes, circles
  328.                                 & more! Popular printer support, requires
  329.                                 EGA/VGA & mouse. Easy to use!
  330. PCDRAFT2.LZH  131072  02-15-93  PC DRAFT II
  331.                                 Hi-res drawing program. Can produce drawings
  332.                                 up to 1280X700 dots using CGA Hi-res mode,
  333.                                 printed output at 150 dpi, draw circles,
  334.                                 lines, boxes, arc, curves, bar/line/pie
  335.                                 graphs, create patterns,cut and paste,
  336.                                 menu/command driven, compress files. Much more!
  337. PCECAP.LZH    163840  02-15-93  PC-ECAP 2.10
  338.                                 An easy to use AC circuit analysis program
  339.                                 which analyzes circuits consisting of
  340.                                 resistors, capacitors, inductors,
  341.                                 transformers, transistors, operational
  342.                                 amplifiers, and transconductance amplifiers.
  343.                                 Totally integrated in one package. Rqs,
  344. PCPG.LZH      98304   02-15-93  PC PICTURE GRAPHICS
  345.                                 Excellent program for creating/printing
  346.                                 graphic screens. Has hundreds of pictures
  347.                                 (zodiac,music, signs, math, equipment,
  348.                                 vehicles, flowchart, misc,animals,more), a
  349.                                 variety of fonts, many drawing tools. Supports
  350.                                 joystick and popular printers. Easy to use!
  351. PFPRES25.LZH  245760  02-15-93  PF~PRESENTS VER 2.5
  352.                                 Easy Screen design, save screens to "screen
  353.                                 libraries," create presentation "agendas"
  354.                                 (complete with menus, sound effects, loops,
  355.                                 subroutines, full or sub-screen displays,
  356.                                 etc.). Pro~Formance Software.
  357. PIXCAT.LZH    163840  02-15-93  PIXCAT 2.3 & PRINTGAL 2.4
  358.                                 PixCat  and Printgal are used for printing a
  359.                                 catalog of all pictures in a NewsMaster(tm),
  360.                                 PrintMaster(tm), PrintShop(tm)
  361.                                 and                     New PrintShop graphics
  362.                                 library.
  363. PP.LZH        196608  02-15-93  PRINT PARTNER V1.0
  364.                                 Super program for creating signs, banners &
  365.                                 calendars! Dozen's of graphics, multiple
  366.                                 fonts, easy to use! Banners can have graphics,
  367.                                 files can be saved & retrieved, calendars can
  368.                                 have various fonts. Nice program! Requires CGA.
  369. PRINTGL.LZH   114688  02-15-93  PRINT HPGL VER 1.20
  370.                                 Prints HP-GL (Hewlett-Packard Graphics
  371.                                 Language, HP 7475 subset) plotfile on a dot
  372.                                 matrix printer. HP-GL is supported by such
  373.                                 programs as: AutoCAD, Generic CADD, MathCAD,
  374.                                 SAS, Schema, and more. Will also convert to
  375.                                 bitmap and .IMG files. ASP
  376. PRNTGRPH.LZH  65536   02-15-93  PRONTO GRAPH V1.00
  377.                                 Graphing made easy and flexible. Combines
  378.                                 graphing features with rudimentary paint
  379.                                 program. Uses three "layers" to store
  380.                                 images(graph/paint/text). Features online
  381.                                 help, grids, lines, points, bar menus, and
  382.                                 spike graphs, 21 background patterns. more.
  384.                                 A Windows and DOS program that will simplify
  385.                                 your screen capturing. DosCapture allows you
  386.                                 to capture VGA mode text screens and standard
  387.                                 VGA graphics screens to PCX files. WinCapture
  388.                                 saves to BMP, GIF, PCX, PIC, TGA, TIFF, or
  389.                                 WPG. Rqs, 286+, VGA.  ASP
  390. SD204.LZH     163840  02-15-93  SCREEN DESIGNER V2.77
  391.                                 Tool for designing screen displays. Has line
  392.                                 draw, auto-box, and a special programmers
  393.                                 interface, can export displays into most
  394.                                 languages. Supports HERC, CGA, EGA, PGA, and
  395.                                 mono. Compatible with IBM graphic printers and
  396.                                 compatibles.
  397. SHOW1.LZH     344064  02-15-93  SHOW PARTNER LITE 3.7   1 of 2 Disks
  398.                                 Simple & easy program to develop sophisticated
  399.                                 screen shows and demonstration disks. Features
  400.                                 window screen capturing, fast, smooth effects,
  401.                                 mouse menus, PCX conversion, animation, and
  402.                                 more. (Requires hard drive). ASP
  403. SHOW2.LZH     344064  02-15-93  SHOW PARTNER LITE 3.7   2 of 2 Disks
  404. TCDRAW.LZH    81920   02-15-93  TC-DRAW V0.19
  405.                                 Graphic drawing program written in C. Requires
  406.                                 EGA/mouse. Nice interface offering most of the
  407.                                 more popular drawing tools. Circle, box, fill,
  408.                                 line draw, icons/pull down menus, much more!
  409.                                 Would make a good program for beginners and
  410.                                 pre-teen children.
  411. TEXTSHOT.LZH  32768   02-15-93  TEXTSHOT 3.0
  412.                                 Textshot is a pop-up TSR text screen capture
  413.                                 program that saves images to monochrome .PCX
  414.                                 format files. No special hardwar or software
  415.                                 requiremnts. Features image clipping,
  416.                                 switchable fonts, image conversion and color
  417.                                 patterns.  ASP
  418. VERSMAP2.LZH  98304   02-15-93  VERSAMAP 1.20   2 of 2 Disks
  419.                                 .PCX files, as vector based .PIC files, CGM
  420.                                 files or as ASCII text files for use with
  421.                                 paint programs, word processors, and
  422.                                 presentation graphics or technical graphing
  423.                                 programs. Rqs, 640k, DOS 3.0 or better.
  424. VPIC.LZH      131072  02-15-93  VPIC 5.1
  425.                                 EGA/VGA, GIF viewing program. Slide show,
  426.                                 adjust color, brightness & resolution, very
  427.                                 fast, improved EGA renditions, view/convert
  428.                                 to/from GIF, PCX, RIX, PIC, CUT & TGA formats.
  429.                                 View MAC & IFF files, show file specs, path
  430.                                 support, easy interface, more!
  431. VUGIF170.LZH  32768   02-15-93  VIEW GIF V1.70
  432.                                 GIF viewing program that allows you tag files
  433.                                 for sequential showing, alter size of files,
  434.                                 supports many different display modes, handles
  435.                                 large size files easily, provides file info &
  436.                                 more. Works well, but interface seems a little
  437.                                 clumsy.
  438. VUIMAGE.LZH   131072  02-15-93  VUIMAGE 3.31
  439.                                 Viewer/Printer program for GIF/PCX/TIFF files.
  440.                                 Any size image in practically any videomode.
  441.                                 Print to pratically any size on Laserjet/9/24-
  442.                                 pin dot matrix. Zoom, auto/manual scale,
  443.                                 slideshow, dither, and more. Supports extended
  444.                                 memory.
  445. ZS20.LZH      32768   02-15-93  Z-SOFT FILE VIEWER
  446.                                 Z-SOFTS(PC-Paintbrush) EGA file viewer. Very
  447.                                 fast, menu driven, mark files for slide show,
  448.                                 creates GIF, PC Paint, Dr. Halo, EGA Paint
  449.                                 files from current pic, More.